Life With Covid-19 in Paradise

No matter the season, no matter the weather, and now no matter the health status, Cozumel is paradise on earth. But a lot of visitors to the island wonder what it is like here during the Covid-19 crisis. So, I thought it might be helpful to describe the levels of restrictions/regulations that we are under.

The country of Mexico operates on a traffic light system. I’m not sure where Level Orange fits in to that since it’s not on a traffic light, but there are 4 levels: Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green. Cozumel, as of today and through September 6, 2020, is at Level Orange. The level is assessed and adjusted as warranted each week. UPDATE: Effective September 7, 2020, WE MOVE UP TO LEVEL YELLOW!

PLEASE NOTE: Cozumel is NOT the United States. Masks MUST be worn at all times outside the house (or hotel), and this includes covering your nose. Social distancing of 6 feet must be maintained. There is a limit of 2 people per scooter, and the stated capacity of a car. If you do not follow these rules, you could face a fine of $125 USD (approximately). Don’t ruin your vacation by not following these simple, respectful guidelines!

What follows is not exhaustive, but covers things of importance to most people.

ActivityUnit of MeasurementLevel RedLevel OrangeLevel YellowLevel Green
Beach clubsCapacityCLOSED30% & 6 ft social distancing60% & 6 ft social distancing100%
Public beachesCapacityCLOSEDCLOSED60%FULLY OPEN
Restaurants & Coffee shopsCapacityDelivery & takeout only30%60%100%
Movie theaterCapacityCLOSED30%60%100%
Diving, fishing, & other water activitiesCapacityCLOSED30%60%100%
Bars, discos, nightclubs & casinosCapacityCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED100%
Gyms & sports clubsCapacityCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED100%
Car rentalCapacityCLOSED30%60%100%
Social events, groups, conventionsPersonsNONE10 or less50 or lessUnlimited
Sale of household goods, computers, interior decoration, & used itemsCapacity15%30%80%100%
Automotive parts, car wash, mechanic workshopsCapacity15%30%80%100%
Car salesCapacity15%30%80%100%
Real estate, real estate leasing, condominium managementCapacity15%30%80%100%
Artistic, cultural & sports servicesCapacityCLOSEDCLOSED60%100%

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